
Testing Quality Control Video

This video provides instructions on how to perform Quality Control tests on your CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer, including preparing the QC sample material and running QC on the system for both urinalysis test strips and CLINITEST® hCG cassettes.

The procedure for running quality control is the same for test strips as well as H CG cassettes. In this video we will demonstrate how to run QC using the Multistix 10 SG test strip. The first step is to prepare the quality control solutions for a positive and negative control. To prepare the solutions, you will need two specimen tubes, approximately 16 by 100 millimeters and distilled or deionized water. Label. Each of the tubes as negative or positive. Place 12 milliliters of the distilled or deionized water in an appropriately labeled specimen tube. Do not use tap water. Remove a check sticks control strip from the positive control bottle and replace the cap immediately and tightly. Place the control strip into the tube. Cap the tube tightly. Gently invert the tube back and forth for two minutes and allow the tube to stand for 30 minutes. Invert the tube one more time, then uncap the tube. Remove and discard the control strip according to your standard laboratory procedure. Repeat these steps to prepare the negative control. To run controls, press the QC test button on the Select Ready Screen, select the QC strip test button to initiate the QC testing process. When prompted, enter the lot and expiration date for the year analysis test strip that will be used to test the control solutions. If the lot number is available on the product as a barcode, you also can scan the information using the barcode reader on the analyzer. Use the keypad to enter the control lot number. Next, enter the lot an expiration date for the urinalysis test strip that will be used to test controls. Press the enter new lot. An expiration date button. If using a previously entered lot, press the use last lot button. Enter the lot number for the urinalysis test strip used to test controls. Enter the year analysis test strip expiration date. Press start to begin testing the negative control solution. Dip the urine test strip in the negative control solution and place on the test table. The QC results will display on the screen and a test report will be printed. Press done when completed. Repeat the procedure for the positive control solution. When running quality controls for H CG cassette testing, remember the same procedure is performed As for test strips. Dispose of the test strips according to the procedures at your facilities.

CUNlTEKStatuS+ Note: Control Expiration Strip Expiration Select QC Test Operator Name Control Lot Control Lot— Strip Lot Prepare Test Results Time , QC QC oc The following procedure only applies 0:02 10-1 Re adv QC 10 SG Select type of test 10 SG SG Recall Results More Instrument 09 Touch START to 09 oc Negative Bilirubin when connected to a Instrument Recall Results Sot Up Set Up MM DD begin MM o...........................Nåqdtive Set Up !Spec ic'Gravity.............. Add QC QC Test ISpocifilc Gravity.............. !Specific Gravity QC QC strip Test QC strip oc QC Clinitek Status Connect system. QC Test Time.. Note: Blood oc QC Operator Name Control: Control Lot Strip Test Print Cassette Test SIEMENS ................ Negative Protein.................. Protein Protem............ CHEK-STIX Cassette Test Strip Test Print ............... 0.2 E.U./dL Urobilinogen START Level: Ni trite... Negative Nitrite............. .... ..........Negative ..........Negative Enter New Enter new lot and Detone If you do not have a Connect system, QC Cassette Test NEGATIVE Leukocytes expiration date Done you may run the QC as a regular Previous Enter Enter Running QC Tests patient sample.

  • urinalysis test strip QC
  • CLINITEST hCG Cassette QC
  • Quality Control
  • video
  • QC reagents
  • Chek-Stix