
MAGNETOM Sempra Coils

MAGNETOM Sempra Coils Video

MAGNETOM Sempra MAGNETOM Sempra Coils SIEMENS .. SIEMENS .. SIEMENS SIEMENS .. MAGNETOM Sempra coils SIEMENS Healthineers Healthineers Healthineers Head/Neck 16 Head/Neck 10 Tim 4G high-density coils designed for high SNR SLideConnectC0 SLideConnect@ Wrist 8 StidaConnectao Foot/AnkLe 10 4-ChanneL Special-purpose Coil Learning summary Infrormation: Flex Large 4 and Flex Small 4 Shoulder Large 6 and Shoulder Small 6 Body 6 Extremitg 12 Information: Tim 4G coils Plug 2 Plug 1 or 2 exchangeable MAGNETOM Sempra MAGNETOM Sempra coils Head/Neck 16 • Head/Neck 10, 16 Head/Neck 10 • econ nect" • High image quality with easy handling SIEMENS .. SIEMENS & 6 Plug 5 & 6 Plugs5 & 6 Wrist 8 wrist 8 Shoulder • Flex Small/Large4 Flex Smoll/Lorge 4 • High element coils increase SNR Table roble Small/ Large 6 MAGNETOM Sempra MAGNETOM Sempra coils sockets Spine 181 • Spine 18 • spine 18 Plug 2 Reduce examination times • Reduce examination times Healthineers Daily success for gour attention • Body6 Body 6 • DirectConnect@ and SlideConnect@ Information:• Information: DirectCopngct6 DirectCopngct4. DirectCopngct6. DirectCopngct4*. DirectCopngct6 that do not always have to be present in individual cases. 510(k) pending. Functionalities described in the material or an Stidaoennecta SLidgCennect@ ±QggConiecta ±XtggConiecta ÅG/Neck 10 technology reduce patient set-up time Head/Neck 16 Head/Neck 10 Wrist 8 wrist 8 • Wrist 8 Foot/Ankle 10 for Tim [96x16] for Tim (96x81 for Tim [96X161 for Tim [96x816] for Tim [96x16] for Tim [96x816] for Tim [96X161 Extremity 12 • Light weight, ergonomically designed Plug 1 or 2 Plug 5 & 6 Plug 7 & 8 Plugs & 6 Plug? & 8 & 8 Plug 1 or 2 Plug 1 Information: Information:• The Spine 18 is positioned on the patient table. The Flex coil is available in sizes small and large. The Spine 18 or the table pads are positioned The back-of-the-head support is positioned For example, the following regions Position the head of the patient in the lower Position the second Body 6 so that it overlaps Place the upper part of the coil aonnect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2. Connect the coil plug of the shockdet coil c.p Slide the coil into the lateral recesses at the Position the Spine 18 so that the coil plugs Position the base plate at the heid end Of Position the upper part Of the coil wn the tower Move the lever to release the upper part Position the patient in the supione pos-tion Position the patient in the supine pos-tion Position the upper part of the coil on the lower Connect the coil plug of the shoulder coil cup Position the patient in the supine position coils enable highest patient comfort Extremity 12 of the body can be examined: the first and is lying against its electronic boxes. fit 'nto the coil sockets 7 and 8. the first and is lying ago'nst its electronic boxes. The head-heel insert and the back-of-the-head on the patient table. onto the base plate. with the head toward the magnet. with the head to the magnet. with the feet toward the magnet bore. to the coil socket 1 or 2. into the coil sockets 5 and 6. upper coil part and remove the upper part Move the lever to reloase the upper part on the patient table on the patient table. Plugs5 & 6 Plug 7 & 8 Plug 5 & 6 Plugs & 6 touch the lower port Of the coil. • No coil changing with multi-exam Place the Wrist 8 on the patient table. support are positioned on the patient table. into the coil sockets 5 and 6. touch the lower part the coil. • If necessary, remove the upper part from Position the Exremity 12 at the height of the Position the base plate at the heid end Of Plug 1 or 2 Plug 5 & 6 Plug 7 & 8 Plug 1 o 2 Al'gn the shoulder coil cup on the guide rail Align the shoulder coil cup on the guide rail Position the patient in the supine pos•tion Slide the second iPAT cushion under Hand Position the patient in the suprone position Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2. Move the lever to lock the coil in place. Position the patient in the prone position Connect the coil plug to tail socket 1 or 2 aonnect the coil to socket 1 or 2. Place the upper part on the lower port Place the relax cushion in the lower port Slide the coil base plate into the lateral recesses Move the lever to reloase the upper part Position the patient in the supine pos'tion For optimal 'mage quality, position the coil Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2 For optimal image quality, position the coil Center the coil as much os possible Special Purpose socket at the head end Of the patient table. Position the base plate at the head end Of patient's knee on the patient table. Position the base plate at the heid end Of Of the coil. studies saves patient set-up time with the head toward the magnet. Place the upper part on the lower port and the base plate. on the patient table. Slide the coil on the guide rail to the side Place the upper part on the lower part and To connect the coil plug Slide the so for optimal image. Position the shoulder cup cushion in the coil. Position the upper part Of the coil wn the toe Flex Smoll/Lorge 4 Flex Smolt/ Large 4 Flex Smoll/ Lorge 4 Spine 181 spine Body 6 Bl 4 Bl Breast 4 Special Purpose Breast 4 on the patient table. the patient table. Open the upper part Of the coil with the Position the upper part Of the coil wn the toe Place the upper part on the lower port Opeition the upper part Of the coil wi the the Place the heel cushion in the lower part Use suitable positioning aids. Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 or 2. Connect the coil plug to coil socket 1 orl 2. of the coil. Connect the coil to the next open coil socket. Slide the shoulder coil cup onto the guide Place the Wrist 8 on the patient table. the recesses on the patient table. to the lower part or the coil. sheport are positioned on the patient table. Connect the coil plug o the socket coil c. •rectCo Position the Body 6 on the patient's pelvis Position the patient in the supione pos•tion Standard Optional Position the wrist pad, palm pod and upper to coil sockets 1 or 2 on the patient table. Thepone 18 positioned on the patient table. roil ror the shoulder to be examined. • Low-noise preamplifiers and connect the coil to socket 1 or 2. Connect the coil plug to coi socket 1 or 2 Position the patient's hand in the coil and ensure Position the foot to be examined I-Jse suitable positioning aids. of the body can be examined: Flex Small/Large Flex Small/Lorge 4 Flex Small/Lorge Flex Smoll/Lorge 4 Special Purpose Foot/AnkLe 10 Foot/Ankle 10 Extremity 12 Shoulder Spine 181 Spine 18 Body 6 Wrist 8 pad as required in the coil. connect for Tim [96x16] for Tim [96X161 Slide the shoulder coil cup in the desired position. thad the pads are post' oned correctly. Small/ Large 6 for Tim (96x81 Only compatible Ond exchangeable with VAGNETOM Avmiro Only compatible and exchangeable with MAGNETOM Only compatible and exchangeable with MAGNETOM gvmiro Only compatible Ond exchangeable with VAGNETOM Amiro

  • Sempra Coils