
MAMMOMAT Inspiration VB30: How to Add a Procedure

MAMMOMAT Inspiration VB30: How to Add a Procedure step by step

MAMMOMAT Inspiration VB30: How to Add a Procedure Women's Health/Mammography 1. Click on Options from the main menu and select Configuration. Options Help Decomp Come Switch to Operating System Login Maintenance End Session Auto Enable First PV WH AWS Flight Recorder Configuration 2. Double click Procedure Handling Configuration. Procedure Handling Configuration 3. Click on New. New 4. Fill in Procedure Details: name (from your RIS); purpose (screening Procedure details or diagnostic); store procedure as either "current user" or "all users." Name Check the box for OpComp. Examination purpose Store procedure as 5. Continue to fill in Procedure Details with max comp force (should Max. comp. force be set to 200) and display markers (should be checked). Default Display Layout 6. Click Add in referenced operating programs and highlight Mammo- Biopsy Calibration gram, Implants, and set Mammogram as default. IQ AEC Tomo MAMMOGRAM IMPLANTS 7. Click Modify PVS and double click the view in the order of position acquisition. Click Apply twice. Modify PVS Apply 8. Organize procedure list by moving procedures to the top. SIEMENS Healthineers . Job Aid | MAMMOMAT Inspiration VB30: How to Add a Procedure Effective Date: XX/XX/XXXX | Quality Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or Instructions for Use (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. This material is to be used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator Manual. Any material used in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of the software and hardware available at the time of the training. The Operator's Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety information like warnings and cautions. Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. Certain products, product related claims or functionalities (hereinafter collectively "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to regulatory requirements, the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current information. The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional and examples only. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Copyright @ Siemens Healthcare GmbH ...... ........... Siemens Healthineers Headquarters Siemens Healthcare GmbH Henkestr. 127 91052 Erlangen, Germany Telephone: +49 9131 84-0 Siemens Healthineers Services Page 2 of 2

  • MAMMOMAT Inspiration