
Monitoring the Dashboard on the Atellica® Solution Video Version 1.25 and Below

This video provides instructions on how to monitor the Dashboard screen on the Atellica® Solution. For optimal viewing, select the arrows on the right of the playbar after the video begins.

To view the dashboard, select the dashboard icon on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. The dashboard window posts a quick view of samples and tests by their current sample state or test state. The system updates the counters for the samples and the tests in real time until the sample or test is deleted or moved to historical. There are filters at the top of the dashboard that can be used to filter the types of orders that are counted. Select the time filter title to select which time criteria you would like the filter to use. The time criteria options are order date, scan date and time or result date and time. After selecting a time criteria, select the dropdown arrow to view the time filter options. The time filter includes options from 15 minutes up to 24 hours and an option to view all. The sample type options include all patient control and calibrater. The analyzer filter will display options for all of the analyzers connected to your atellica solution. Select the Test tab to view the number of tests with each test state. Select the sample tab to view the number of samples with each sample state. Selecting one or more counters and then the view samples or view tests button launches the worklist. Overview Screen, filtered to display only the order selected on the dashboard. Finally, the dashboard icon in the status bar displays alerts if critical results stats or a samples are present.

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