
MR View&GO - Mean Curve

MR View&GO - Mean Curve

A typical use case for mean curve is test bolus to check the timing behavior of contrast media inflow. To check the results, simply click on the peak displayed in the graphic, then click the MC Snapshot icon, which you can find in the results segments many toolbar by clicking on the Gear icon. Hint The created results are appended in the image area of the viewing step to the end of the layout.

SIEMENS . medadmin VKida_Pelvis_male VKia Pelvis rnaJe Pelvis male • 1/1/1944 M Gerrnany_b.4AC 11944 .ef: CongressHighIightsBrochure CURRENT MR View&GO 4983 sec 8287 sec 128.63 sec 7938 sec Mean 52534 46724 Mean — Mean VKida_Pelvis_male Rad Univ. Klinik Freiburg Germany_MAC Ref Ref. . CongressHighIightsBrochure . CongresSHighIightsBrochure Viewing Add Study Magnetom Vida 16 3D CURRENT Current 6/12/2017 stacksx4 01_75 MeanCurve sp tl _vi tl tl _vi be-grasp Phases Layout MR. 6/12/2017 MR 6/12/2017 6/12/2017 6 (POST _01 _05) 6 (POST _01 _ 05) 64 [10] 65 [101 012 @ Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2019 Prostate CA Prostate CA Tissue4D CurrentW_MeanCuræ.16 CurrentW_MeanCurveM16 CurrentW_MeanCurve.16 3D p OST 64 [10] 167 66 4983 sec STUDY ID MC- 078 075 Please note that the learning material is for training purposes only! Free hand 10 4126 10 4/26 pos T 65 Normal time Normal timne S2S34 Mean Mean — t2_tse_tra_p3_384 14] t2_tse_tra_p3_384 [4] t1_tse_tra_3mm [81 Calculation MR View&GO 01 691101 08 1101 For the proper use of the software or hardware, please always use the Operator Manual or sp H47 sp H47.3 Composer 76 1101 tl _ vibe-grasp_fs_tra_dyn_STA.. tl _ MC- MC print Print Instructions for Use (hereinafter collectively "Operator Manual") issued by Siemens Healthineers. print pos T ep2d_diff_b50_400_800_tra_... ep2d_diff_b50_400_800_tra_p_ . Meamso: 05 Distribution Area: cm tl vibe-grasp fs tra dyn [10] This material is to be used as training material only and shall by no means substitute the Operator 006 cm 72 Distribution tl _tse_tra_3mm [8] t1_tse_tra_3mm [81 014 [31101 76 70 1101 tl _ S tl _vibe-grasp_fs_tra_dyn_ST... tl t 1 _ vibe. _STA t 1 _ vibe. _STA.. Manual. Any material used in this training will not be updated on a regular basis and does not 007 [101 FOS T 01_74 1101 [31101 031101 [10] 525.34 necessarily reflect the latest version of the software and hardware available at the time of the 01_75 1101 CONTRAST 01 [10] Mean CONTRAST 01 [10] training. 30 150 400 200 MeanCurve 018 POST CONTRAST [301 012 POST 01_01 POST The Operator Manual shall be used as your main reference, in particular for relevant safety Norms tine (sec) 0120 POST 01_01 [101 [101 _02 [10] CONTRAST information like warnings and cautions. 097 021 POST POST 01_80 [101 Vida MV 014 018 POST 01_07 [101 0120 POST 01_01 [101 Note: Some functions shown in this material are optional and might not be part of your system. The 088 POST 093 POST 01_821101 0890 POST Favorite Tools 019 POST 01 020 POST 01 010 (101 information in this material contains general technical descriptions of specifications and options as o, TP Hig TP The reproduction, transmission or distribution of this training or its contents is not permitted without 04 [101 in well as standard and optional features that do not always have to be present in individual cases. 011 [10] 009 [101 067 [101 sp H47.3 Image Current 096 POSi_01_ 0107 [101 Oil express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. Clip Box SL 3.0i 007 [10] pos T pos T 01 pos T ()l 006 Certain products, product related claims or functionalities described in the material (hereinafter Co FOV 260*260 MPR 28124 Series Navigato All names and data of patients, parameters and configuration dependent designations are fictional 224•224S 224*224S 150 collectively "Functionality") may not (yet) be commercially available in your country. Due to 009 092 POST 01_81 [101 006 018 POST 01_07 013 POST 01 021 007 [10] 03 [101 and examples only. C.Iip Clip Clip Box Cip Box 30 Ref 012 049 [101 regulatory requirements, the future availability of said Functionalities in any specific country is not zoom 281 pos T 01 08[101 TP Hig 010 (101 _02 [10] 907 [10] 01 [10] W 434 TR41 05 (10] guaranteed. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers sales representative for the most current All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are 167 [31101 zoom n 03.26 TA03_26 017 POST 01 061101 W 434 011 [10] 011 014 04 1101 MAGNjNORWDlS20 MAGWJNORWDlS20 MAGWNORWDlS20 018 POST 01_07 093 POST 090 POST 01_074 1101 information. 200 reserved. 167 zoom 281 zoom Next Curve 150 400 019 POST Ol_081101 012 POST 01_01 [101 016 019 POST 01_081101 FOS T 06 1101 021 POST 01 CSV MeanCurve 20180315 164903 #1 01_07 [101 015 POST 01 70 1101 009 Save MeanCurve Result Norms tine (sec) _05 [31 021 pos T POST 01_10 [101 Prohance 44852 PM 44850 PM 4.4849 PM PM Waiting for scan instructions. 4:5103 PM PM W 434

  • MR View&GO - Mean Curve