
Preparing Microalbumin/Creatinine Quality Control Job Aid

This job aid provides instructions on how to prepare the Quality Control materials that are used to QC the Microalbumin/Creatinine test on your DCA Vantage® Analyzer.

Microalbumin/Creatinine Quality Controls Preparing the Quality Control 1. Gently tap the bottom of the control bottle on the counter to collect material on bottom of the bottle -- 2. Carefully remove the foil crimp and stopper SIEMENS DCA 2000 -. 6012A 3. Transfer the entire contents of the Reconstitution Fluid control vial using the pipette Note: Do not draw control back into the pipette 4. Replace the control vial stopper and swirl the MEMENT HEMENS SEMENS control bottle several times 5. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes 6. After 15 minutes, swirl the control bottle again several times 7. Remove and properly discard the stopper, replace with dropper tip assembly GPE15009.001 Effective date 06/09/2014

  • control
  • bottle
  • reconstitution fluid
  • microalbumin/creatinine
  • micro/creat
  • microalbumin
  • creatinine
  • foil crimp
  • stopper
  • quality control
  • QC
  • job aid