
Recording Maintenance Job Aid

This job aid provides instructions on how to record maintenance on your RAPIDComm® Data Management System, including how to identify due and overdue maintenance tasks.

Recording Maintenance Identifying Due and Overdue Maintenance Tasks 1. Navigate to Devices > Maintenance Recording. 2. Select the instrument modality from the menu tree (e.g., Blood Gas, Diabetes, etc.). 3. Set the Status filter to “Due and Overdue” to display the list of tasks sorted by the Device column. Recording Completed Maintenance Tasks 1. Navigate to Devices > Maintenance Recording. 2. Expand the tree to view and select the desired instrument. 3. In the calendar, double-click the cell under the respective date for each task that was completed. 4. If comments are required for overdue tasks, enter a comment and select OK. 5. Select Apply. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 for maintenance tasks completed on any other devices. GPE11001.008 Effective Date: 07/23/2014

  • maintenance
  • overdue maintenance
  • recording maintenance
  • recording
  • job aid