
syngo.via MI Cardiology

This course is designed to help technicians to describe the features of MI Cardiology, navigate the system platform and identify the Corridor4DM workflow steps

Describe the features and benefits of the MI Cardiology Navigate the system platform Identify the Corridor4DM workflow steps The syngo.MI Cardiology applications provide processing, quantfication and multi-dimensional review of the distribution of the radionuclides in the myocardium through planar and tomographic imaging. Saves time in your workflowHighly automated workflow on a single integrated workplace   Non-hybrid and hybrid/CTA review   Correlative visualization of coronary artery lesions and myocardial abnormalities. Depends on number of monitors installed   Example of single monitor shown here   This training: single monitor or primary monitor of multiple monitor system. Consists of many areas Move cursor over the image area of the layout to learn more about the different options available Layout Detail Click to launch window with rollover image Base ImageHotspotsText BlocksImage FileAccess Bar - System Functions Fast and direct access to system functions.Access Bar - Patient Search Access to Quick and Advanced Search of your patient dataControl Area - Workflow Name and Workflow StepsControl Area - Workflow Control Your options to finalize the clinical workflow.Cardiology Application Workspace MI Cardiology Workflow steps MI Cardiology Reading MM Reading Designed to process, review, and quantitatively analyze SPECT, PET and CT patient studies. Tomo QA MI Processing Images Images + Quant Func + Quant MPI Summary Patient Information/Reporting Images Splash screen object displaying the myocardium slices as: Short Acess (SA) Horizontal Long Axis (HLA) Vertical Long Access (VLA) Mapping data to the desired workflow Choosing Applications/ Tomo QA Page MI Processing Page Comprehensive processing quality assurance screen Displays multiple processed and unprocessed objects Processed spash objects and polar maps are displayed here.  Images + Quant Page Short axis, horizontal long axis and vertical long axis images Perfusion polar maps Automatic semi-quantitative scores Function and Quant Page Versatile User-customizable viewing options MPI Summary Screen Stand review screen All perfusion and functional data Patient Information Window Left click Patient Info icon button Recording patient information within diagnostic workflow Add everything from patient history to CT findings Preferences button to set defaults and customize preferences Describe the features and benefits of MI Cardiology Navigate the system platform Identify the Corridor4DM workflow steps

  • syngo.via
  • Biograph mCT