
Sysmex® CA-600 Series Analyzer Coagulation Curve Theory Online Training

The coagulation curve is a visual display of the activity that occurs during a clotting assay. Interpretation of these curves aids in the identification of sample analysis errors. This clinical laboratory training qualifies for continuing education units (CEU).

Welcome to the Sysmex® CA-600 Series Coagulation Curve Theory Online Training course.  This course focuses on identifying main areas of the graphics display screen, how to view coagulation curves for analysis results, and how to distinguish between a normal and abnormal curve. Select Next to continue. Describe the coagulation curve components Distinguish between a normal and abnormal coagulation curve Identify key areas of the Stored Data Graphic Display screen Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Select Next to continue. Congratulations.  You have completed the Sysmex®  CA-600 Series Coagulation Curve Theory Online Training course.  Listed below are the key points that have been presented.  Take time to review the material before you proceed to the final quiz. Identify key areas of the Stored Data Graphic Display screen Results are displayed on a coagulation curve Each patient result yields a characteristic pattern or “signature” coagulation curve Coagulation curves aid in troubleshooting Describe the coagulation curve components: Sample Number Date, Time and Temperature Test and result Graph information Error information Calculation Parameter Flags ***.* Analysis data not obtained due to error ---.- Could not calculate parameter +++.+ Value exceeded displayable range ///./ Could not calculate the mean   Abnormal Value Flags (Displayed to the left of the assay result)  *   Disparity between replicates or error occurred  !    Test performed on dilution  <    Result exceeded the lower reportable limit > Result exceeded the upper reportable limit Distinguish between a normal and abnormal coagulation curve Characteristics of a Normal Coagulation Curve: A relatively low base height (bH) Consistent Slope Plateau at the top of the curve Significant change in scattered light or delta height (dH) Possible characteristics of an Abnormal Coagulation Curve: Base height (bH) scattered light is too high Slope is not consistent Curve may not reach a plateau in the allotted time Scattered light or delta height (dH) may not change enough or change to muchDistinguish between a normal and abnormal coagulation curve Select Next to continue. Stored Data Graphic Display screen: Results are displayed on a coagulation curve Each patient result yields a characteristic pattern or “signature” coagulation curve Coagulation curves aid in troubleshooting Identify areas of the Graphic Display screen Learn more about the Graphic Display screen. Instructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90004766/CA600_GraphicDisplayOV_9/CA600_GraphicDisplayOV_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90004766/CA600_GraphicDisplayOV_9/index.htmlPDF File: Coagulation Curve Display Components: Sample No. Date, Time and Temperature Test and result Graph information Error information Describe the coagulation curve components Learn about the Coagulation Curve Components. Instructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90004766/CA600_CoagComponents_9/CA600_CoagComponents_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90004766/CA600_CoagComponents_9/index.htmlPDF File: Describe the coagulation curve components Learn more about the Parameter and Value Flags. Calculation Parameter Flags  ***.* Analysis data not obtained due to error ---.- Could not calculate parameter +++.+ Value exceeded displayable range ///./ Could not calculate the mean  Abnormal Value Flags (Displayed to the left of the assay result)  *   Disparity between replicates or error occurred  !    Test performed on dilution  <    Result exceeded the lower reportable limit > Result exceeded the upper reportable limit When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue.  Distinguishing between a Normal and Abnormal Coagulation Curve Every patient result yields a unique characteristic pattern or “signature” coagulation curve. However, there are characteristics associated with both normal and abnormal coagulation curves.   Select Next to continue.   Characteristics of a Normal Coagulation Curve: A relatively low base height (bH) Consistent Slope Plateau at the top of the curve Significant change in scattered light or delta height (dH) Normal Curve Learn more about normal curves. Base ImageHotspotsText BlocksImage FileERR0 - No coagulation curve error occurred. bH - Base height. Normal Coagulation Curve has a realatively low bH value. dH - Delta height. Normal coagulation curve has a significant change from the base height to the plateau of the curve. Consistent slope - Normal coagulation curve has a consistent slope. Result - Normal coagulation curve displays a numerical result value with out any abnormal sample result flags. Possible characteristics of an Abnormal Coagulation Curve: Base height (bH) scattered light is too high Slope is not consistent Curve may not reach a plateau in the allotted time Scattered light or delta height (dH) may not change enough or may change too much   Abnormal Curve Learn more about abnormal curves. Base ImageHotspotsText BlocksImage FileERRXXXX  - Coagulation curve error. Abnormal coagulation curves have an ERR number associated with the error.bH - Base height. Abnormal coagulation curve can sometimes have abnormally high base heights. An example: Lipemic sample. dH - Delta height. Abnormal coagulation curves might have little change on the graph (Example - No coagulation) or the dH may not be able to be determined (Example - Analysis time over). Inconsistent slope - Abnormal coagulation curves may have a sudden shift in the slope and this could cause an error. (Example - Air bubble in the reaction tube)Result - Abnormal coagulation curves will have an asterisk (*) displayed to the left of the result indicating a coagulation curve error.