
CLINITEK Status®+ System hCG Cassette Test Online Training

Perform qualitative hCG pregnancy tests using urinalysis immonassay cassettes. This clinical laboratory training qualifies for continuing education units (CEU).

Welcome to the CLINITEK Status®+ System hCG Cassette Test Online Training Course. Performing urinalysis provides physicians with valuable information to help detect metabolic and kidney disorders and diagnose many other medical conditions. Several different Siemens urinalysis strips can be used with this analyzer as well as the Clinitest hCG Pregnancy Test. Urinalysis immunoassay cassettes are used to perform qualitative hCG pregnancy tests. Note: This course includes information on Options and Functions in the system which may require security approval from your facility in order to access. Select Next to continue.   Identify how to delete records from instrument memory (Option must be enabled on analyzer; Operator must have required security access.) Identify how to recall stored results Identify products approved for hCG testing on the CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer Identify the steps to run patient hCG cassettes After successful completion of this course, you will be able to: Select Next to continue. L'analyseur stocke les informations d'étalonnage pour un maximum de 16 lots de cartouche de réactif de l'HbA1c DCA. Chaque carte d'étalonnage représente un lot différent. Vous trouverez les informations suivantes en scannant le code-barres de la carte d'étalonnage ou sur format papier : les valeurs moyennes, les valeurs des plages de référence, le numéro et la date d'expiration du lot de réactif associé. Scanner la carte d'étalonnage permet de saisir les informations qu'elle contient dans le système. Vous devez donc lire la carte d'étalonnage pour un lot de cartouches de réactif avant de pouvoir l'utiliser dans le système.   Si vous ne passez pas la courbe d'étalonnage dans le système pour le lot des cartouches en cours d'utilisation, le système vous invite à scanner la carte d'étalonnage. Congratulations. You have completed the CLINITEK Status® Portfolio hCG Cassette Test Online Training course. In this course, you have learned how to: Identify the steps to run patient test strips and cassettes Clinitest® immunoassay cassettes provide qualitative hCG pregnancy test results. Caution:  Wear personal protective equipment. Use Universal Precautions when working with biohazardous materials.   Test Modes: Quick Test: The system does not require the operator to enter data prior to starting the analysis. Quick test is the default setting. Full Test: The system prompts the operator to enter operator name, patient name, patient ID, and sample appearance prior to starting the analysis. Custom setup: Allows each facility to customize which data to enter prior to starting the analysis. Test Types: Cassette Test Verify that the test table insert is positioned with the cassette holder facing upward. Begin by bringing the cassette test and patient sample to room temperature prior to testing.   From the Select screen, touch Cassette Test  to access the Test Type screen. Touch the Clinitest hCG cassette button which will display the Prepare Test screen and prompt you through the preparation steps that must be completed within 8 seconds. Remove the test cassette from the foil package Once you touch the START button you have 8 seconds to draw the urine sample into the pipette and add the urine sample into the well on the cassette You have 8 seconds to complete the following two steps:   1. Draw the urine sample to the line marked on the pipette (approximately 0.2 mL).  2. Add entire contents of the pipette into the sample well of the test cassette.    At the end of the 8 second countdown, the analyzer automatically pulls in the test table and performs an automatic calibration. Testing Techniques Sample Handling Collect specimen in a clean, dry container – specimens collected at any time of the day may be used. Test fresh sample within 2 hours of collection. Refrigerate specimen at 2°C to 8°C for up to 72 hours if the testing is not done immediately. Refrigerated samples should be brought to room temperature prior to testing. Hints to Avoid Errors Use only pipette provided with each cassette pack to ensure proper volume of 200 µL is dispensed. Do not overfill sample well with more than one pipette stem of sample. Do not empty overflow reservoir. It is normal for excess sample to remain in overflow reservoir. Do not try to dispel it. Do not add sample to the sample well until after you press the START button. Visibly bloody or highly colored samples should not be tested Results Interpretation If a positive result is obtained on an individual where pregnancy is not suspected, confirm with an alternative urine or blood method or repeat the test with another urine sample 24 hours later. If a borderline result is obtained and pregnancy is suspected, rerun with an alternative urine or blood method or repeat the CLINITEST hCG test in 48-72 hours. In acute situations where the test result does not correlate with the observed clinical condition of the patient, have a blood sample drawn from the patient and confirm the CLINITEST hCG result by a quantitative blood test. Do not push or pull the test table. Once calibration is completed, the Analyzing screen will be displayed when the calibration has been completed and the analysis of the cassette has begun. A timer will count down the time remaining in analyzing the cassette results. When analysis is completed, the test results are displayed on the screen and the test table and cassette are pushed out of the analyzer. The results can be reviewed on screen or on a printout. Remove the used cassette and dispose of it according to your standard laboratory procedures. Report the results to a laboratory supervisor or physician. Test results remain on screen for 2 minutes. After that time, the display returns to the main Select menu. Touch Done to complete the test and return to the main Select screen.   Identify products approved for use on the CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer The CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer uses only Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics products, which include Clinitest® immunoassay cassettes for qualitative hCG pregnancy tests. Identify how to recall stored results The CLINITEK Status® platform offers expanded onboard memory storage for patient results that are recalled easily for improved data management. The CLINITEK Status® Connect system also stores quality control results. The CLINITEK Status® Connect Platform stores up to 950 patient test results in the onboard memory. When the limit of 950 has been reached, the oldest test will be deleted from the analyzer. Deleted information cannot be retrieved from the analyzer. The CLINITEK Status® Connect System can store 200 QC results in the on-board memory.  As there is no QC functionality on the CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer, QC results must be tracked manually. Identify how to delete records from instrument memory. Patient and QC records stored on the analyzer can be deleted permanently from instrument memory. Individual records cannot be deleted. Before deleting records, save the database to an external source. Data stored on an LIS will not be deleted. This option must be enabled on the analyzer, and the operator must have the required security access.   Select Next to continue. Bienvenue à la formation en ligne du programme de gestion des données RAPIDComm®, Configuration des données démographiques et des résultats d'échantillon patient. Dans ce cours, nous discuterons de la configuration des données démographiques échantillon, de l'Ordre historique du patient et des tests Sélectionnez Suivant dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran pour commencer le cours. Test modes: Quick Test: The system does not require the operator to enter data prior to starting the analysis. Quick test is the default setting. Full Test: The system prompts the operator to enter operator name, patient name, patient ID, and sample appearance prior to starting the analysis. Custom Setup: Allows each facility to customize which data to enter prior to starting the analysis.   Quick Cassette Test Learn how to run a Quick Cassette Test.   Select the play arrow to begin the video. When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue. Full Cassette Test Learn how to run a Full Cassette Test.   Select the play arrow to begin the video. When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue. Testing Techniques Learn about Testing Techniques Testing Techniques Sample Handling Collect specimen in a clean, dry container – specimens collected at any time of the day may be used. Test fresh sample within 2 hours of collection. Refrigerate specimen at 2°C to 8°C for up to 72 hours if the testing is not done immediately. Refrigerated samples should be brought to room temperature prior to testing. Hints to Avoid Errors Use only pipette provided with each cassette pack to ensure proper volume of 200 µL is dispensed. Do not overfill sample well with more than one pipette stem of sample. Do not empty overflow reservoir. It is normal for excess sample to remain in overflow reservoir. Do not try to dispel it. Do not add sample to the sample well until after you press the START button. Visibly bloody or highly colored samples should not be tested Results Interpretation If a positive result is obtained on an individual where pregnancy is not suspected, confirm with an alternative urine or blood method or repeat the test with another urine sample 24 hours later. If a borderline result is obtained and pregnancy is suspected, rerun with an alternative urine or blood method or repeat the CLINITEST hCG test in 48-72 hours. In acute situations where the test result does not correlate with the observed clinical condition of the patient, have a blood sample drawn from the patient and confirm the CLINITEST hCG result by a quantitative blood test. The CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer uses Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics hCG Cassettes to perform a single test and obtain qualitative results. Clinitest® immunoassay cassettes are used to perform qualitative hCG pregnancy tests. Products approved for use on the analyzer for hCG pregnancy testing are: Clinitest® hCG Select Next to continue.     Bienvenue à la formation en ligne du programme de gestion des données et de la connexion RAPIDComm®, Configuration du contrôle qualité. Le programme RAPIDComm ® est un middleware personnalisable qui intègre aux systèmes d'information des laboratoires ou des.hôpitaux, des instruments de soins au chevet du patient.   Sélectionnez Suivant dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran pour commencer le cours. When used as a standalone or in conjunction with the Connector Platform, the CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer, stores up to 950 patient test results in the on-board memory. When the limit of 950 has been reached, the oldest test will be deleted from the analyzer. Deleted information cannot be retrieved from the analyzer. Note:  The CLINITEK Status Connect System can store 200 QC results in the on-board memory.  As there is no QC functionality on the CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer, QC results must be tracked manually.   Recall Stored Results Learn how to recall stored results. Instructions:If media does not automatically start, select the play arrow to begin.Flash File:/content/generator/Course_90006168/simCSPlusRecallResults_9/simCSPlusRecallResults_9.swfHTML5 File:/content/generator/Course_90006168/simCSPlusRecallResults_9/index.htmlPDF File: Pour accéder à l'écran Configuration analyse échantillons CQ, sélectionnez Analyseur > Configurer analyse échantillons CQ dans la barre de menus. Dans cette section du logiciel, vous serez en mesure de créer et de modifier des règles de CQ, de préciser la technique de conformité, de définir des commentaires à utiliser pour les résultats de CQ, et de régler la connexion à l'hôpital pour recevoir les résultats de CQ. Les règles d'analyse de CQ déterminent comment le programme RAPIDComm ® répond aux résultats des contrôles qualité qui dépassent les limites définies ou d'autres conditions qui indiquent qu'il peut y avoir un problème avec les résultats de CQ. La règle Echantillon CQ non valide est prédéfinie dans le programme et peut être activée, désactivée et éditée pour répondre aux besoins individuels de chaque établissement.Cette règle spécifie que, si les résultats contiennent un indicateur d’échec CQ ou si le lot de contrôle est périmé, les résultats sont signalés comme non valides Les résultats de CQ non valides ne jouent pas en faveur de la recertification de l’opérateur qui a analysé l’échantillon. Chaque règle définie peut également avoir plusieurs conditions. Le programme RAPIDComm ® permet de répondre à tout ou partie des conditions grâce à l'option Et/Ou. «Et» indique que toutes les conditions doivent être remplies pour que la règle s'applique et est utilisé entre les énoncés d'action parce que le programme effectue toutes les actions sélectionnées pour les résultats répondant à la condition de la règle. 'Ou' indique qu'une ou plusieurs conditions (mais pas nécessairement toutes) doivent être remplies pour que la règle s'applique. Patient and QC records stored on the analyzer can be deleted permanently from instrument memory.  The CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer stores QC records as patient tests. Data stored on an LIS will not be deleted. Save the database to an external source prior to deletion.  Individual records cannot be deleted Note: This option must be enabled on the analyzer. You must be authorized by your facility to delete any records.   Deleting Stored Records Learn how to delete stored records. Checklist TitleChecklist TypeChecklist ContentSelect ReadyHTML Select each check box to learn more about deleting records. On the Select Ready screen, click the Recall Results Button.  Recall OptionsHTML   On the Recall Options screen, use the down arrow to highlight the Delete Records option then click Select. This selection will be greyed out if it is not enabled on the analyzer. You must have authorization from your facility to delete any records.  Delete RecordsHTML On the Delete Records screen, select Yes to delete all records and return to the Select Ready screen or select NO to return to the Recall Options screen. When complete, select the X in the upper-right corner to close the window and continue.

  • clini
  • connect
  • +
  • plus
  • recall stored results
  • delete records
  • human chorionic gonadotropin
  • clinical laboratory training