
The Impact of the Angular Range - Case 1

Dr. Paul Fisher (Stony Brook, New York) about a patient with heterogeneously dense breast called back from screening for a detected mass.

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Alright, a woman came to our center with heterogeneously dense breast tissue which is. Makes our job of finding breast cancers a little more difficult. an A 7 millimeter mass was detected near her left nipple. We took a image using the narrow angle tomography and then subsequently took a wide angle tomography image a day or two later. If I can show you on the screen the. Left side shows the narrow angle tomography that was originally done. I'm going to scroll up and down different tomographic slices. And at about this slice, I'd like to point out that the mass is fairly well visualized with margins. The upper margins are clearly seen, the lower margins are somewhat unsharp and difficult to assess. You can see this mass. Superimposed on. Other glandular tissue, and therefore you have to appreciate this mass in the setting of other white blobs that we're always trying to read through on the right side. We have the same patient image almost at the same time, and already I have the slice up that shows this mass, and I think you can see that the margin of this mass is now much clearly seen. You can see that the mass has a. Sharp margin with a little micro lobulation in this area here and here you can see that the mass actually blends into surrounding glandular tissue very intimately as I scroll up and down. I think you can appreciate three dimensionally that this lesion does pop out of the background. Why is that? Because this background glandular density, which is partially obscuring it on the low on the narrow angle tomography is now. Suppressed somewhat, and therefore the continuity of the lesion is more bright. In addition to seeing the lesion, the key is that the margins, which is the most important feature for determining whether a lesion is benign and malignant, is exquisitely scene on this. Wide angle tomography, you can see my collaboration. You can see the exact size and distribution of this mass an it's exact location to surrounding tissue, and by the way, there is a second lesion that is seen on the wide angle, a second rounded lesion clearly seen. Here in the back of the breast and that was not appreciated on the original narrower angle. In retrospect, if you go back, you can make it out, possibly here, but. In real time that was not seen on the narrow angle, so the advantage is seen on the white angle. Here is the detectability of the lesions. There is a pop out effect with suppressed background structural noise and even more importantly, the margins are exquisitely outlined and characterized on this wide angle.

a lesion only clearly seen Tomosynthesis aecond lesion only clearly seen With 500 Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis The impact of the angular range SIEMENS , 500 Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis. Superior by design. Patient with heterogeneously dense breast, Healthineers @ Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2019 call back from screening for a detected mass The statements by Siemens Healthineers' customers described herein are based on results that were Beyer lesio achieved in the customer's unique setting. Because there is no "typical" hospital or laboratory and many variables exist (e.g., hospital size, samples mix, case mix, level of IT and/or automation adoption) there can onspicuity and less a atomical Advantages of 500 Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis Advantages of 50 Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis of 500 Wide-Angle Tomosynthesis be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results. ackground noise Wi Paul Fisher, M.D. Beyer lesion onspicuity and less Beyer differ ntiation between mali nant Higher mass detectability Paul Fisher, M.D. is employed by an institution that receives financial support from Siemens Healthineers for a atomical_ ackground noise wi a d benign _. sions thanks to ah hi er margin a d benign _. sions thanks to a hi• er margin a d sions thanks to a hjg er margin a d benign _. sions thanks to a h • er margin a d benign _. sions thanks to a hig er margin • Less background structural noise 500 Wide-Angle 1 50 Narrow-Angle and 500 Wide-Angle Lower mass margin unsharp tomical Dept. of Radiology, Stony Brook Medicine, ackgrou d noise wi 1 50 Narrow-Angle | Narrow-Ang e collaborations. Lower mass margin much more Stony Brook, New York, USA Tomosynthesis performed Tomosynthesis with Narrow-Angle • Exquisite argin delineation • Exquisite margin. delineation • Exquisit • Exquisite margin delineation 500 Wide-Angle Tomosynthes•s Exquisite 00 Wide-Angle Tomosynthes• elineatipmwith the Wide-An margin delineation in delineation T mosynth Tomosynth s Tomosynth sis Diagnostic image quality in the video has been reduced. clearly seen with Wide-Angle

  • breast tomosynthesis
  • DBT
  • wide-angle tomosynthesis
  • dose
  • image quality